Kenya Uganda and Tanganyika King George VI
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Set of 3 Values Mint
King George VI Coronation Set of 3 Values Fine Used
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth 5c Value Mint
King George VI Coronation 5c Value Used
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth 20c 3 Value Fine Mint
King George VI Coronation 20c Value Used
Dhow on lake Victoria 5c Value Mint
Dhow on lake Victoria 5c Value Used
Jinja Railway bridge by Ripon Falls 30c Value Fine Mint
King Georg VI 1/- Value Used
Lake Naivasha 3/- Value Used
South Africa Overprint 5c Value Fine Mint
South Africa Overprint 5c Value Fine Mint On English Stamp
South Africa Overprint 10c Horizontal Pair Value Mint
South Africa Overprint 10c Horizontal Pair Value Used
South Africa Overprint 10c Vertical Pair Value Used
South Africa Afrikans Overprint 10c Value Used
South Africa Overprint 10c Value Used
South Africa Overprint 20c Pair Value Fine Mint
South Africa Overprint 20c Pair Value Fine Used
South Africa Overprint 20c Vertical Pair Value Used
South Africa Overprint 20c Value Used
South Africa Afrikans Overprint 20c Value Used
South Africa Overprint 70c Horizontal Pair Used
South Africa Overprint 70c Vetical Pair Used
South Africa Overprint 70c Value Used
South Africa Overprint 70c Value Used
Peace Set of 2 Values Mint
Peace Set of 2 Values Fine Used
20 c Value Fine Used
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Silver Wedding Set of 2 Values Fine Mint
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Silver Wedding 20c Value Fine Mint
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Silver Wedding 20c Value Used
UPU Set of 4 Values Mint
UPU Set of 4 Values Used
UPU 20c Value Mint
UPU 20c Value Used
UPU 30c Values Mint
UPU 30c Value Used
UPU 50c Value Used
Stamps of King George VI Set of 2 Fine Mint
Stamps of King George VI Set of 2 Fine Used
Royal Visit 10c Value Mint
Stamps of Kenya Uganda and Tanganyika
Issues 1936 - 1952
Number of items for sale in this section: 95