New Zealand King George VI
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth 2 1/2d Value Mint
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Set of 3 Values Fine Used
King George VI Coronation 1d. Value Fine Mint
King George VI Coronation 1d. Value Fine Used
King George VI Coronation 2 1/2d. Value Fine Used
King George VI Coronation 2 1/2d. Value Fine Mint Block of 4
King George VI 1/2d. Value Fine Mint
King George VI 1/2d. Value Fine Used
King George VI 1/2d Value Mint
King George VI 1/2d Value Used
King George VI 1d Value Fine Mint
King George VI 1d Value Used
King George VI 1d Value Mint
King George VI 1d Value Used
King George VI 1 1/2d Value Mint
King George VI 1 1/2d Value Used
King George VI 1 1/2d Value Mint
King George VI 1 1/2d Value Used
King George VI 3d Value Mint
King George VI 3d Value Used
Children Playing 1d. Value Fine Mint
Children Playing 1d Value Fine Used
A Really Nice Block Fine Unmounted mint Not too many of these about!
Playing Beachball set of 2 Values Fine Mint
Playing Beachball set of 2 Values Fine Used
Playing Beachball 1d Value Fine Used
Playing Beachball set of 2d Value Fine Used
Arrival of the Maoris 1/2d Value Fine Mint Block of 4
Arrival of the Maoris 1/2d Value Fine Used
Cook Re-discovery 1d Value Fine Used
Royalty 1 1/2d Value Fine Used
Abel Tasman 2d. Value Fine Mint
Abel Tasman 2d. Value Fine Used
Treaty of Waitangi 2 1/2d Value Fine Mint
Treaty of Waitangi 2 1/2d Value Fine Mint Block of 4
Signing Waitangi Treaty 2/ 1/2d. Value Fine Used
Landing Petone Beech 3d. Value Fine Mint
Landing Petone Beech 3d. Value Fine Used
Landing Petone Beech 3d. Value Fine Used Block of 4
Progress of Transport 4d. Value Fine Used
HMS Britomart 5d. Value Fine Mint
HMS Britomart 5d. Value Fine Used
HMS Britomart 5d. Value Fine Used Block of 4
Map 6d. Value Fine Used Block of 4
Maori Council 8d Value Fine Mint
Maori Council 8d. Value Fine Used
Gold Dredger 9d Value Fine Mint
Giant Kauri Tree 1/- Value Fine Mint
1/- Value Official Fine Mint
Children with a Ball Set of 2 Values Fine Mint
Children with a Ball Values Fine Mint
Playing Beachball set of 2 Values Fine Used
Playing Beachball 1d.+½d Value Fine Used
Children with a Ball Set of 2 Values Fine Mint
Children Playing Beechball set of 2 Values Fine Used
Children Playing Beechball 1d Value Fine Used
Children 2d Value Fine Mint
Children on a Swing set of 2 Values Fine Mint
Children on a Swing 2d Value Fine Used Block of 4
Children on a Swing 2d Value Fine Used
Children on a Swing 1d Value Fine Used
Princess Margaret Set Fine Mint
Princess Margaret Set Fine Used
Health 1d Value Fine Used
Tenpence Overprint Fine Mint
Tenpence Overprint Fine Used
Tenpence Overprint Fine Used
Pincess Elizabeth and Princess Margret Set of 2 Values Fine Mint
Princesses Set Fine Used
Pincess Elizabeth and Princess Margret Set of 2 Values Fine Mint Blocks of 4
Pincess Elizabeth and Princess Margret 1/2d Value Fine Mint
Pincess Elizabeth and Princess Margret 1d Value Fine Mint
Statue of Peter Pan set of 2 Values Fine Mint
Statue of Peter Pan 1/2d Value Fine Mint
Beautiful Postage Stamps of New Zealand
1937 - 1952
Number of items for sale in this section: 200