One Country Quick Links
Country List
Alphabetical list of Countries A - Z
(Just click the text of the Country required to go direct to that section)
A - C
Aden Aitutaki Anguilla Antigua Ascension Australia
Australian Antctic Territory
Bahamas Bahrain Barbados Barbuda Basutoland
Bechuanaland Belize Bermuda Botswana Bophuthatswana
British Antarctic Territory British Guiana British Honduras
British Indian Ocean Teritory British PO Easten Arabia British Post offices in China British Levant
British Virgin Islands Brunei Burma
Canada Cayman Islands Ceylon Channel Islands Ciskei
Cocos Islands Cook Islands Cyprus
D - F
Falkland Islands Falkland Islands Dependencies Fiji
G - I
Gambia Ghana Gibraltar Gilbert and Ellice Gold Coast
Great Britain Grenada Guernsey Guyana
Hong Kong
J - L
India Ireland Isle of Man
Jamaica Jersey Keyna
Kenya Uganda and Tanganyka Kuwait
Leeward Islands Lesotho
M - O
Malawi Malaya Malaysia Malta Maldive Islands Mauritius Montserrat
Morocco Agencies Muscat
Namibia Naru Nevis Newfoundland New Guinea New Hebrides
New Zealand Nigeria Niue Northern Ireland Northern Rhodesia Norfolk Island North Borneo Nyasaland
P - R
Omnibus Issues
Pakistan Papua New Guinea Penrhyn Pitcairn Islands Postage Due
Rhodesia Rhodesia and Nyasaland
S - U
St Helena St Kitts Nevis St Lucia St Vincent Samoa Sabah Sarawak Scotland Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore
Solomon Islands Somaliland Southern Rhodesia South Africa South West Africa South Georgia Sri Lanka Straits Settlement Sudan Swaziland
Tanganyika Tangier Tanzania Tokelau Tonga Transkei
Trinidad and Tobago Tristan Da Cunha Turks and Caicos
V - Z
V anuatu Venda Virgin Islands Wales Western Samoa Zambia Zanzibar Zimbabwe
Thermatic Links
Agriculture and Farming Aircraft Animals and Fauna
Art and Paintings Birds Boats and Ships
Bridges and Dams Buildings and Lighthouses Butterflies Insects
Cars and Motor Vehicles Fish and Marine Life Flora and Plants Fruit Maps Medical Military Space Sport and the Olympics Trains Trees
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Philatelic parlance we use:
MNH: (Mint Never Hinged) LMM: (Lightly Mounted Mint) MM: (Mounted Mint)